Numbers don't lie: Patent trolls are a plague

By Simon Phipps

Created 2012-10-19 03:00AM


Jeff Bezos is not the most obvious advocate for change to the patent system. The founder and driving force behind Amazon, he has in the past encouraged his staff to file for controversial Web patents on obvious ideas like "one click to buy." Under his guidance, Amazon has wielded those patents as part of lawsuits against competitors; the one-click patent was used against Barnes & Noble, for example. At one point, the Free Software Foundation was even coordinating a boycott of Amazon [1] as a result.

Bezos is no bleeding-heart patent liberal. Yet in London this week, he told local newspaper Metro [2]:

Patents are supposed to encourage innovation and we're starting to be in a world where they might start to stifle innovation. Governments may need to look at the patent system and see if those laws need to be modified because I don't think some of these battles are healthy for society.

[ Simon Phipps tells us how he really feels: Why software patents are evil [3]. | Track the latest trends in open source with InfoWorld's Technology: Open Source newsletter [4]. ]

Bezos is not alone in this view -- even the New York Times [5] is now carrying stories about the threat from abuse of the patent system. Recently, a wide range of academic research has begun to cast light on the problems caused by the patent system, and a consensus -- that there's a real problem -- is emerging. Panelists speaking at an event sponsored by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus explored the topic [6] and mostly found the patent system wanting. Technology startups face huge challenges from companies seeking to do little more than tax their innovation using binders full of patents; technology lawyer Marvin Ammori commented that the patent system as it stands is very hard for innovative startups to navigate.

An academic paper from law professor Colleen Chien [7] of Santa Clara University looks more closely at the challenges patents pose for startups. She found 40 percent of the respondents to her survey reported trolls causing significant operational impact on their young businesses, including delays in hiring, undesirable changes of strategy, and loss -- or elimination -- of value. She also found that patent trolls were frequently used as a buyer for the patents of failed startups. Aaron Williamson of the Software Freedom Law Center points out [8]:

The truth is that the patents aren't a moat around the startup's product, but around the VC's investment. As every VC knows, a huge proportion of startups fail -- as many as 90 percent [9]. Given this high failure rate, VCs don't see startups as investments in themselves, but as pieces of an investment portfolio; they've placed bets across the board, expecting most of them to lose.

I've written before about the problems software patents pose, especially to open source projects. Indeed, I believe software patents to be one of the top five drivers of change in the world of open source today [10]. New research published as a consequence of the America Invents Act supports the fears expressed by Bezos, Ammori, and many others. It has revealed the extent to which the patent system is being harnessed against technology innovators in ways that harm the economy.

Among the other measures in the America Invents Act, passed by Congress about a year ago, section 34 requires the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a study on the effects of patent trolls on the economy. The GAO in turn went to a group of academics associated with the Stanford IP Clearinghouse (now called Lex Machina) to gather the data required. Those academics have now supplied the data to the GAO andpublished their own assessment

 [11] of the research. Covering a five-year period from 2007 to 2011, it rigorously identifies and classifies patent activities across all industries and uses a statistically significant sample to draw conclusions.

The findings should concern us all. Coining the useful term "patent monetization entity" (as a replacement for "patent troll," "nonpracticing entity," and "patent assertion entity" -- all terms with either social or technical issues), the scholars have concluded that "lawsuits filed by patent monetizers have increased significantly over the five-year period." Not only has the number of cases increased, but so has the proportion of these non-product-related litigants, from 22 percent to 40 percent of cases filed. They found that four of the top five patent litigants in America exist solely to file lawsuits.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Among their findings, the academics analyzing the Lex Machina data observed that many cases never reached court, and the main impact of patent monetization entities was probably in the costs they impose way before litigation commences. This is supported by a paper from the Congressional Research Service [12], which observes that the main goal of patent monetizers is to extract money from their victims without ever going to court.

The vast majority of defendants settle because patent litigation is risky, disruptive, and expensive, regardless of the merits; and many PAEs set royalty demands strategically well below litigation costs to make the business decision to settle an obvious one.

What's going on here? One clue comes from the Lex Machina research. They found that technology industry cases constitute 50 percent of all patent suits; in the software industry, Internet-related patents were litigated 7.5 to 9.5 times more frequently than non-Internet patents. When cases actually go to court, they are often unsuccessful, but most lawsuits from patent assertion entities are settled out of court.

Combine that with the evidence that the unseen menace, when threats lead to payments under nondisclosure terms so as to avoid expensive litigation, and the implication grows that this is an abuse of an out-of-date system manifesting itself. It will then come as no surprise that 1 in 6 patents today covers smartphones [13]. Guess what those patent monetization entities want to monetize?

Software patents are far too easy to obtain; they are poor quality, with prior art invalidating them if one is able to check. But the cost of self-defense is so high that most victims, instead of fighting, simply settle and stay silent. Given the profits to be made and the low costs of failed attacks, the intellectual vultures are gathering, darkening the skies above Silicon Valley looking for victims.

The papers cited above have many proposals for dealing with the problem, but there's no common pattern among them. Perhaps Lemley's simple and elegant proposal [14] will bear fruit in the area of software patents. But more will be needed. The cost of litigation for patent parasites must go up; there need to be penalties for failed attempts to monetize the innovation of others. Most important, the mafiosi-grade shakedowns costing America's economy so much money -- and with it the success of innovative startups and the creation of much-needed jobs -- has to end.

Doing that will definitely require changes to the law beyond the claimed benefits of the proposed SHIELD Act. It seems the researchers -- including those working directly for Congress -- are finally on the case to fuel the shift.

This article, "Numbers don't lie: Patent trolls are a plague [15]," was originally published at [16].


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